I am so excited to introduce to you the Acorn Marketing Academy - my 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring Programme - designed especially for small business owners, or young professionals looking for support in their marketing career.

Well, let me tell you, you are not alone. I see business owners spending hours finding ways to get their marketing to work - they’ve tried all sorts, but just don’t think it’s working for the.  Instead, they feel like it’s some kind of dark art or secret and they’ve missed out on getting the memo.

I still want to be there for those business owners who need support and want some practical help that is going to blow your marketing out of the water!  Let me guide you, teach you and equip you with the skills and confidence you need to understand how you can make marketing work better for your business.

Running a business can often be lonely and isolating. You have no one to bounce ideas off and no one for support or just to ask that “silly little question” – well now you do!

Just starting out in Marketing?

I've been there too!  One of the best things I had access to in my early career was a mentor.  Someone I could touch base with, run ideas by and learn from.  It has certainly helped me get to where I am now and understand marketing on a much more practical level.  Through the Acorn Marketing Academy, I can do that for you too.  When you need some extra support, or your boss has given you a project and you're not tooo sure where to start - why not tap into my skills and knowledge to help?  

If you employ a junior marketing executive, who perhaps needs that support, you also get the bonus of having my eyes on your business and guiding those younger members of the team in how to be more strategic and effective with thier marketing - double whammy!

Let me help you create a sustainable, thriving business for the future. Let me help you understand marketing and give you the confidence to be able to create captivating and engaging promotional campaigns that will see you get the results that you so richly deserve.

Once you have enrolled into the Academy, the very first thing we will do is give you access to the online portal, where your first job will be to fill out our business questionnaire.  This will give me a really good insight into where your business is right now, where you want to be and how I can help support you to reach your goals. 

The next step is for us to get to know each other.  We'll book a convenient time and talk through your questionnaire answers, any problems you are facing and areas you want to cover.  It'll help me understand what we need to do going forward on the programme.  it's also an opportunity for you to ask any questions. 

Once we've had our kick-off call I will collate our discussions into an action plan.  This will be found in the portal and you can then work through the action points I have set you before we next meet. There will also be weekly progress reports for you to fill out, so I can see how you're getting on.

Each month we will have the chance to have a catch up and discuss how you're getting on.  We can discuss any problems you're facing, things that you need support with and I can give you guidance and suggestions to keep your marketing going in the right direction.

In the Acorn Marketing Academy, you will have access to all the courses I have run over the years - all my Mini-Marketing Masterclasses (how to use social media, Instagram, websites, email marketing) and the Marketing Mastery Programme. I may often refer you to sections of the Academy for further learning. 

I've created several downloads over the years, so you will now get access to anything I've created - my social media calendars and '5 Ways to Kick-Start your Social Media'. 

Sometimes you just need someone to show you how something is done.  In my tutorial section you can watch "how-to" videos on how to use Buffer and Canva.  Also, if there is something specific you need to know (like how to use Instagram) for example I can upload them here for you too.

Sometimes it's really hard to start a piece of work when looking at a blank screen.  But in the Academy portal you can download lots of templates to get your started - a press release, social media calendar, a brief, hashtag bank, marketing strategy and again if there is something specific you need I can add it here for you too. 

One of the most valuable tools you will get from being part of the Acorn Marketing Academy is Me!  I am here to support and guide you and help you develop your marketing so you can take your business to the next level - having someone by your side to virtually hold your hand through the process.

Marketing often falls to the bottom of the "to-do" list, but being part of the Academy you will have the accountablity from me to get things done.  I'm not going to stand over you, but I will help you get jobs done and make sure that you complete the actions we set out to achieve your goals.  

I am only opening up the Acorn Marketing Academy to 4 or 5 people or businesses at one time, so numbers are strictly limited and on a first come, first served basis.  

Initially it is a 3-month programme costing £430+vat per month - or you can take advantage of a one-off payment of £1200+vat.  After 3 months there is an option to remain in the Academy for a further 3 months.

The total investment for the Acorn Marketing Academy costs less than working with me for one month as a retainer client, but you get all that amazing content and me as your guide!  

*All prices are exclusive of VAT

Q - Why do you limit numbers?

A - I do this because I want to make sure that each of the people on the programme gets 100% from it and I don't spread myself too thin.  

Q - How do I join?

A - Initially you need to register interest, by filling in the sign up form.  This is so I can make sure you are right for the Academy and give you access to the online portal. 

Q - Can I access the content only?

A - The idea of the Acorn Marketing Academy is that I help you to do your own marketing more effectively with support and guidance.  I'd prefer people to have the direct support from me to make the most of the programme. 

Q - I don’t have enough money right now 

A - If you want to sign up to the Acorn Marketing Academy , but money is a bit of an issue now, you can pay in instalments over 3 months.  You can also go on my waiting list for the future.

Q - I don’t have enough time to do marketing myself 

A - Don't worry we are going to look at ways in which we can make this easier for you and how you can do your own marketing more effectively and efficiently.  I want to make sure you are doing the right things, rather than wasting your time getting things wrong!